Setting Up Google Voice For Your Business

Lately we’ve been getting quite a bit of questions surrounding google voice and how to set it up properly. Here are the simple steps to accomplish this from a regular web browser. Note: Legacy options, which need to be accessed, are not available on the app....

Modifying Booking Rating Email/SMS To Link Back To Site

EMAIL RATING Disable “Happy Rating Follow Up” email in the L27 settings -> Email Templates Edit the “Booking Rating” email in the L27 settings -> Email Templates In the content editor, click the </> on the right of the menu options,...

Twilio Autorespond To Incoming Txt Or Calls

This walk through assumes that you already have purchased a twilio number and are ready to set up. Log in to your twilio account and to make your life easier, click on the three dots within a circle on the left and pin the studio and phone numbers to your dock. Click...

ACF Plugin Update Error

When updating ACF to version 5.7.6 or later, afterwards, click on plugins and you will be shown the following notification “Database Upgrade Required”. Make sure to click “upgrade database”, otherwise your site will look broken. ACF has rolled...

Removing MailPoet

The mailpoet plugin is required by the theme, which causes wordpress to constantly show a notification (aka nag) that the plugin needs to be either enabled or installed depending on if it is deactivated or deleted. In the functions.php file, we initially changed...